Sunday, September 27, 2009

8/8 Mas Monos...

Once was just not enough. Sarah, Claire and I headed back to the monkey refuge. Claire had not been there yet. On our way, we stopped along the highway to take in a very "do-able" version of bungee jumping. I was so close to being in the harness when Claire said, "let's go!" and we did. I blame her for my reason for not going. It cost a whole $10!!!

Woo, woo!

Can you say Pick-pocket?

Stole $1 from a guy's back pocket

Ran up the tree...little guy was seriously hysterical

a gentle little soul

A dog's gotta have friends too
Sarah getting her nose picked and ears poked
How adorable!

We love our monkey friends
It was a long day for Sunshine

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A rich monkey. (1 dollar thats a lot for a monkey.)
