Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tough last couple days at school...8/3-8/7

What can I say? The week was great and extremely frustrating at the same time. How can that be? Obviously, my students are what made my teaching experience a great one. However, administration caused my last week to be less that what I desired. I had so many great things planned to do with my students but I was left with very little time to prepare (and update this blog) because our directors failed to communicate with us about the paperwork we had to do before classes ended. I hate to revisit the last three days but...Monday we went into the office to see what had to be done. Poor Claire got the brunt of everything. She took the punches for Carrie and I. We were first supposed to hand write out these ridiculous information sheets. Ok, did that. Then they decided that no, the information needed to be typed instead. So, imagine us trying to painstakingly type (forms were in Spanish too, so was Office 07. Try formatting when you don't know what it says. UGH!) in all our students info. I'm pretty savvy at typing and Excel but this was so time-consuming. I was up one night until midnight...fell asleep with my computer on my lap. All-in-all, I spent about 12 hours in 2.5 days on this paperwork. This was work that a secretary or young student could have done. WT knew about what we had to do too and didn't let us now. FRUSTRATING...but I kept saying to myself..."muy tranquilo, muy tranquilo" The directors were not supportive or helpful. This was the only drawback at my school. My students felt my pain because I was very tired, crabby, and I didn't end the class like I had wanted to. I got over it but it really left a sour taste in my mouth for a while.

Did I happen to mention that there was a shooting, stabbing, and robbery at my school on Saturday? YUP. On Monday, I had asked the guard to get me a TV and he couldn't because they were locked up and they didn't know where the keys were. This was because someone had come in, stole 22 computers, shot a guard in the leg and stabbed another one in the neck. No one died but were in the hospital. I hope it wasn't the one with the bad teeth. He was really cool. This was how we found out about the incident. You think that WT would have told us. Needless to say, the guards with big guns were out in full force all week. And we were supposed to inform our field directors if one of our students had a cough or high fever. H1N1 is serious, I get it, but somehow it pales in comparison with what happened at SECAP and no one told us. Errrrrr... I was soooo happy to be done with the administration but sooooo sad for my last day. :(

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