Thursday, July 23, 2009

Passing the time...

As I type this, I´m watching young girls about the age of 8-10, standing out in the middle of a VERY busy street, waving a squeege to wash windows. What kids won´t do for a quarter, or even a dime.

This week has flown by. I can´t believe it´s Thursday already and this day, too, is almost over.

-- took another salsa dance lesson

-- had a one-on-one Spanish class, which was great! Possibly three days next week.

-- worked out at the gym and also ran for the first time in Parque Carolina, which is one of the biggest parks in Quito. I couldn´t believe how big this park is and how many people were out enjoying the day. The city is basically like a ghost town on the weekends as everyone (or it seems like it anyways) congregates in the parks... soccer, volleyball, horses, paddle boats, outdoor aeorobics with hundreds of people jammin´ to the music, more soccer, a botanical garden with orchids and roses as the feature, runners, bikers, skateboarders, BMX bike course, etc. This is a great place to just hang out and enjoy the outdoors. I ran and walked for 2 hours. Note to self....don´t forget your quarter for the bathrooms!! Funny...whenever I ask my students what they´ve done on the weekend, many of them answer ¨walk/run in the park, play soccer in the park, play basketball in the park¨. Now I get it. Ecuadorians really are all about the family.

-- am traveling to Riobamba this weekend to see Sarah, Katie, and Kathleen. The Tena folks are also going. Carrie, Claire and I took the trek to the NEW bus terminal to familiarize ourselves. The old one just closed down. It was absolutely disgusting and god knows how it worked but it was convenient. This new one....Sheeeesh!! Took the Trole for an hour, hopped another one and finally got to the terminal after 1.25hrs. It felt like we had driven to another country!! And the best part about it is that if you´re lucky you get to STAND the entire time. Lovely!! It´s no wonder my knees hurt like they do. Oh, and part of the ride was so EXTREMELY packed that it was actually hard to breathe, especially when its hot and armpits are in your face as people are holding on for dear life. The place is really nice but to make matters worse, I found out I couldn´t get my ticket today because you can only get it in a day in advance. Super! This new terminal was built to alleviate all these buses coming into an already congested area of the city. However, it adds an extra hour to our travel time.

-- when I feel that there´s nothing really new to write about, it makes me think that I´ve really settled into life here. Nothing really surprises me anymore.....
* I can find my way around this city! Those who were here last summer might find that hard to believe as I am usually directionally challenged. If nothing else, it is comforting to know where I am going. I don´t turn around and do 360´s anymore and wonder where the hell I am. Taxi´s... no problem. Eco-via, trole, metro buses.... no problem.
I might have a problem DRIVING when I get home though. I miss my car!
* the man sleeping (?) flat on his back, one foot out in the street, on a very busy corner
* being the only gringa on the bus
* taxis that try to rip you off
* stores that sell random items from dolls to wash machines to back packs
* every other ¨garage door¨is a restaurant or hole-in-the-wall
* every OTHER ¨garage door¨is an internet cafe
* women who walk on these awful sidewalks in 3-4 inch HEELS!! How do they do it?

-- every day as I walk up and down Colon St, I feel like I am home....there is a Kohler Co store right next to the Milwaukee Power Tools store. Yup, toilets, tubs, etc. Who knew??

-- Every day we walk for what seems like miles and miles and we are really tired of, but are getting used to all the pollution. The best description of this city.....LIVING IN QUITO IS LIKE SUCKING ON A TAILPIPE

-- my students continue to make me laugh every day. We have so much fun (I just hope they´re learning something). I only have 11 more days with them. YIKES!! That means that the summer is winding down quickly. The only complaint I have with my students is that they do not know the meaning of CLASS STARTS AT 6PM OR 7AM. Many of them are tardy. In fact many of them don´t even own a watch. We call it being on "Ecuadorian time". They just come in whenever they please. Very frustrating. Otherwise they are lovely.

Off to class. Chao!
Much love to all!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sounds like you are still having fun. You seem to have time to fit in activities during the week, as well as on the weekends. We are going to seem pretty dull around here! Missed your call again - we have been out at the cottage and can be reached on my cell. Be safe - miss you, Joanne
